Monday, May 20, 2013

A Question of Answers

EssEss continues about her first!

So there I was, an unsuspecting first-timer at a coffee shop of a five star.
If you've not read my earlier piece, the link is below.
To summarise however, the plan was to meet alone so we could talk freely.

While the 'alone' part didn't quite work out well, even the talk part was... a bit wanting!

So this tall, fat curly-haired dude has come back from the UK. For good. (His good, I suppose, 'cause it was definitely not for mine!)
He wanted to be back with the family. Join his father in his business. His background was research he told me.. I need not have asked in what, cos soon I realised that I was his subject!
So tell me... have you ever been victim to a psychological test on a matrimony date? Wohoo!! I had the privilege of one.
He had come prepared with a set of questions! When I say prepared, hold your breath, with a printout.

Not only that I was supposed to think over the answers and send him the replies by email the next day! I shuddered in horror to think what would happen if I failed thes test!.
At that point in life I did not give a kadak chai jawab….But all you people out there, please send in your kadak replies to the test below while I sip on my chai!

Here goes! The psychometric test for the eligible types!

1. I don't have any money and if we get married how much money will you bring with you?
2. If me or my mum or even dad had a go at you, how would you react? n if we argued what would you do and how would you handle the situation?
3. I don't have a car, would that be a problem? If yes, why?

4. If I decide not to take on my dad's business and I am jobless would you still want to marry me?

All you single women out there... Do you know the answers? The right answers? Any answers?
Come on!!!

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